Monday, March 14, 2011

Pink makes me happy.

Let's face it. I have no real reason for reviving the blog, but I feel majorly left out when I read all my other blogs. I mean, these girls are living flashy, high profile lives and I'm missing out. They have followers and people who laugh at their jokes and give them tips and advice. I need that! Stat! Not to mention, I'm pretty sure a couple of them are suppose to be my friends, so I need to show them just how interesting and witty I can be. They'll be dying for a friend date before long. I hope they think I'm funnier than my husband does or that will be a quick friendship.

Now, the blog is pink. Girly? Yes. Childish? Maybe. Happy? Yes! Hence the name, "You Make Me Happy....!" One thing I really like about most of the blogs I read is their style, whether it's clothing, or decor, or whatevs, they always show or tell about things I probably wouldn't otherwise know about and I really enjoy that. And I want to do the same for you! I'm actually super uncool when it comes to knowing about anything new, so I probably won't totally change your world. But I do like to give shout outs where shout outs are due, therefore this is a blog of things that make me happy, whether the sky be gray or blue!

1 comment:

  1. I have stumbled across your blog from hockey wife and I'm glad I did!!! A new follower :-)

    P.S - I like the pink!!! You can tell I'm pretty girly on my blog too:
