Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In England they call it 'broody'

Laaaaaaaadiiieess!!! I have babies on the brain in a bad way. Know what I'm saying? (Sorry if I turn you off because of baby blogging.)

Derek and I have been married for a decent amount of time now and before that, we were on and off for like ten years, so I do believe it's time to step up our game and make a baby!

Okay, so, I am pathetic for many reasons, but in this instance it is for the fact that I have everything picked out when it comes to baby gear. If it's a girl. If it's a boy, I've got a lot of work left to do.

I've got a nursery planned in my head and have decided to go with gray and pink. Mature and classy, yet girly, right? Right. Plus, I'm the one who will be spending a ton of time in the room, actually seeing the colors and designs, while baby sucks the life out of me. So gray and pink it is.

I came across these prints on Etsy from 'littlebrownpen' and fell in love with them because I absolutely LOVE Paris and I just loved the way he/she used one color throughout a set of pictures. And they're 5x5's. Yes please!

So I ordered the green for my mythical house that will hopefully one day exist, but I just couldn't get these out of my head. I knew I had to have them, but for what? A baby girls room, THAT'S WHAT!
I won't bore you to death with every single baby item I've picked out because that might take us yeeeeaaaars, but I do have one more thing to show you. This beauty from 'ikabags,' also on Etsy!

I literally couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this! I had been searching far and wide for these colors for a diaper bag and they didn't exist. Not in the way I wanted them to anyways. I don't want everything in baby world to be matching gray and pink, but the diaper bag is a major fashion statement and if I'm going to be walking around with spit up all over my shirt and milk leaking out of a boob everytime I hear a baby cry, I need the diaper bag to show I've still got a little life left in me. I was originally going to go with this bag, also from 'ikabags.'
How great is that red strap? I'll probably still go with this bag if we have a boy. Now here's the real kicker.....this lady is based out of Paris! If that's not meant to be, then I give up.


  1. Ciao! Stumbled upon your blog in a round about sort of way. Just wanted to say a quick hello! Where in Italy are you? My husband played in Italy in 2009-2010!

  2. "so I do believe it's time to step up our game and make a baby!"

    I'm cracking up over here!!! I always have baby on the brain but unfortunately I can't really drop pressure on the boy yet, were saving $$ for our wedding next July. (this however does not mean that I don't creep etsy for cute hair bows and girly tutus!) ;)

  3. Well, well ladies, don't think I haven't already read both of your blogs!

    Hockey Wife-I found you a few months ago and did some investigating. (I'm psycho!) I'm in Val di Fassa by the way...Canazei. But you had said you went home last year at the beginning of March and we lost the first round of playoffs and went home at the end of March, so I knew you had to be in, I better not say it! You've kept it a secret! Anyways, I asked one of our guys who played with you and he said you were his neighbor last year. No names, no names!

    From your page I started reading Travel Babbles and it all comes full circle!

  4. Bahahaha you're too funny....the hockey world is a small world, eh!! We're planning her coming out party, you're invited ;)
