Friday, March 18, 2011


I am not a good dresser. Yeah, I've got some cute pieces of clothing here and there, but my outfits are nowhere near earth shattering and that's okay. I still like to look nice though and I've decided that this summer is 'The Summer of the Dress.'

I'm not a shorts type of gal because of the constant cellulite check, so I often end up in jeans in the summer. Which means I often end up hot and sweaty. The worst! But I do love a good summer dress because it's usually longer than shorts and that covers up any potential "leg problems." Plus, I just love a nice breeze going through my bare, (on a good day) shaved, and lotioned legs!

I don't like to spend a ton of money on clothes because I don't have it, Derek doesn't allow me to spend it, and then I don't feel bad if it's only worn a few times. Plus, to be honest, clothing just isn't all that important to me. However, I'm realizing as I get older that a little more money spent usually does equal nicer clothes. Unfortunately. They're better quality, cuter, you look nicer in them because they fit better, etc. I am also realizing that while the store tells me one thing, I am NOT going to be "forever 21" and I should begin letting go of that dream! I can always find a few things when I visit the store, but looking online..... YIKES!

I've come across a few dresses here and there that I think will fit into this summer dress plan, without spending a fortune. One of my favorite stores in Chicago is Akira, but they're online dresses were brutal! I would highly suggest going to the actual store though.

I found Ruche, an online store only, awhile ago and love it. I have yet to order anything and I've read that their stuff isn't always the best quality, but that sounds right up my alley!

This next dress is from Billabong.

Looks like a shirt, right? It's supposedly a dress, but if the length concerns you, we've got the same dress, maxi style! Hey-yooo!Hmmm, I thought I had more to show you than I do. Sorry! This last dress is from Forever 21, despite what I said above!

I like it. I think it's silk, so I defs don't love it. Forever 21 puts the height of the model and what size they are wearing (always a small) for each picture and that always brings a tear to my eye. Okay, now I have a dress to show that isn't a summer dress, but I think it's the one I'll get for my brother's wedding in July. I had originally wanted to go with something more summery and colorful, but you know what, black is always the new black, so I'll stick with it. Plus, I just really love this dress. It's from the Jessica Simpson Collection and surprisingly, she's got some really cute things on there.

Peace out, yo!


  1. I love that green dress!!! You should keep blogging and make a book. You're so good ;)

  2. Thanks Ria! I enjoy it b/c it's the only thing I use my brain for!
