Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Boob tube

I love television. Like, I REALLY, REALLY love television. And as much as I love warmth and sunshine, summer puts me in a major bind. Do I go outside because that's the socially acceptable thing to do on this most perfect day or would it be alright for me to stay in the air conditioning and watch tv?

I usually choose tv.

In no way am I about to blame my parents for this either. This is a heartfelt thank you! Thank you for not making me play sports when I was a child because I truly hate sports and thank you for not forcing me to go play outside because I also hate smelling like outdoors. And thank you for not setting many restrictions when it came to television. Don't get any wild thoughts though! There were major channel restrictions just not many time restrictions. MTV was a big no-no and my head exploded the first time I saw The Real World. It was season two.

I've been watching tv for a long time and 2011 has hit me really hard. I've had to say goodbye to my most favorite show of all time, Friday Night Lights. I loved you like I've loved no other.

'Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose'

Words to live by.

On to happier things.... there are still so many shows to watch! If you're ever wanting to have a conversation with me and you don't know what to say (happens all the time, lots of people want to convo with me) television talk is usually the best thing to go with. If you want to get a ruuulllll rise out of me, bring up Teen Mom or Teen Mom 2. Amazing! Side note: Jenelle just got arrested for beating a girl up. Never fear, her lawyer thinks she was set up.

A few things weighing heavy on my mind:
-Who knows the difference between reality and script these days? Thanks Kardashians. I mean, what was the deal with Scott's personal assistant, Dale?
-Why do all the chubbs on The Biggest Loser have to also have "emotional" issues? Why can't they just like food?
-Isn't polygamy suppose to be super interesting to the outside world? Not if you're Kody or one of his four wives! I gave Sister Wives a second chance, my bad. That whole family is minus a personality.

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