Friday, March 18, 2011

Glamour's got the low down

While sinking to a new level today by entering any and all contests I could find on the internet (Don't get any ideas! If you all enter, my chances go down and I'm due some serious good luck right now.), I came across this article on Glamour's website.
*Note. I don't normally get my info from Glamour! But this seemed to sum things up nicely.

Good question, why IS everyone going vegan?!

About 4 1/2 years ago, I too went vegan. I enlisted a young lady by the name of Ms. Jamie McKeown (Far right, grey shirt. It's the only pic I could get to go on here.) to be my mentor. She had zero qualifications to be hired as my mentor, but I enjoyed her dry humor and we shared many of the same views when it came to celebrities and Hollywood, so I took a chance on her. After years of being vegetarian, she had begun eating vegan a few weeks earlier, so basically I was just copying her after I read a booklet from PETA.

There's no ending to that story other than Jamie is still vegan and mostly even raw now and I failed about six months into it. That's a lie. Four months. It was Easter and my mom, knowing I was eating vegan, got me a bag of Easter M&M's. Who does that?! Marianne Carter does. Here's the culprit:
The face of EVIL!
During those animal free months I felt light as a feather and my body seriously felt so cleaned out. (Trust me, eating vegan cleans you out!) However, being vegan is HARD WORK and I don't think it should be looked at as a fad diet and a quick way to lose weight. You really should do it for the sake of your health and hopefully even give those animals you never thought about before some thought!

I still consider Jamie my mentor even though she offers me empty invitations to din din. That hurts Jamie.... She did do something right though because I'm still a vegetarian and don't plan on ever eating meat again!

P.S. Just this week my brother sent me an "invitation" on facebook to "Eat An Animal for PETA Day." I didn't think that was very funny.


  1. Thanks so much for adding me to your blog roll and welcome to the world of blogging!!

  2. Wow! Thanks! I look at yours daily and was literally JUST admiring "Orange Crush!"

  3. I tried to go vegan after reading Skinny Bitch a few years ago. I think I lasted three days. It's hard and I'm not dedicated or passionate enough. :(

  4. You lasted longer than me! I also tried going vegan after reading the Skinny Bitch book... I may have lasted a week. At the most. I still gained a lot from having read that book - its a great read!

    New follower from Pass The Puck!!!
