Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Like so many Fridays before, I found myself at home watching television this past Friday. I stumbled across some concert type of thing, but only caught Carrie Underwood's performance. And booooy, did she light. it. up. The girl has an amazing voice and I couldn't help but daydream about all of our striking similarities. I haven't figured out if we're suppose to be friends or just know of each others existence, but there's definitely sparks flying between us.
  • We're both married to hockey players.
  • We're both vegetarians.
  • We're both Christian.
  • We both have luscious blond locks.
  • Carrie won American Idol and I wan(ted) to try out for American Idol.
  • Carrie is in the new movie, 'Soul Surfer,' and I was a 'back-up' in our high school production of 'Grease.'
  • Carrie is from Oklahoma and I'm from Illinois..... We've both got some honkey tonk in us.
We would have such a laugh over this. Twinzies.

*For Carrie's eyes only: Carrie, if you want to get coffee or even ice cream or something, contact me through my blog and I'll be in touch. Thanks!
*For everyone's eyes: Remember that girl Tess I keep talking about? We got into an actual, legit argument many years ago over who was better and who would win American Idol, Carrie Underwood or Bo Bice. Bo who? I know, right?! I win.


  1. Ha! Keep us posted on this one! ;)

  2. Haha, twinzies for sure. I am sure she is reading this post right now and thinking the same thing! lol. I got a Sandy solo in Grease. Maybe you and I could have been twinzies! haha
