Monday, April 11, 2011


In honor of the upcoming royal wedding, I'd like to introduce you to someone. She's not a member of the royal family, nor is she even British. She does happen to live in London however, so without further ado, I present to you.....
M'lady, Carlie "She said I cannot use her last name"My best friend.
One of my favorite gals.
The worlds sickest woman....
The most major hypochondriac of all time.

I've known Carlie for a very long time and have even had the privilege of living with her at different times. We've had unbelievable amounts of fun together during this friendship, but then sometimes she turns into a real bummer and comes to me with MULTIPLE health concerns. And I am not talking strep throat. I'm talking Parkinson's, Diabetes, the beginnings of Alzheimer's, Hodgkin's, chronic fatigue syndrome, and of course cancer. She's not picky, any type of cancer will do!
Here she is suffering from an intense Raynaud's flare up. Not kidding.
This girl is literally crazy.
I'll tell you what doesn't help - she works with people with brain injuries, so she's always finding out about new possible medical problems and wanting to do 'assessments' on whoever she can get her hands on. My favorite thing though, is her addiction to water. Carlie and her boyfriend Jimmy came to visit us in Italy, and while on the train, Jimmy kept track of her water consumption. A nightmare come true, she ran out of water and hadn't had a drink in an alarming 11 to 12 minutes. She began complaining of dehydration and even made Jimmy take a look at her tongue to show him how dry it was! This story ends well though, she lived. Whew!

Carlie is obviously a little mental, yet so, so, so, so funny! I adore Carlie and am so grateful we're still friends after all these years. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, and she lets me talk for VERY long periods of time. Thanks m'lady, you're the best! xoxoxoxoxoBFF&E&E&E!

1 comment:

  1. I'm giggling at you! Ya'll are clearly BEST FRIENDS, it's very evident by this line:

    "Carlie is obviously a little mental, yet so, so, so, so funny!"

    LOVE IT! xo
