Friday, April 22, 2011

Looky, looky

Heeyyy-yyyoooo! I am flabberghasted and honored to announce I have been given an award from my girl Erin over at Sometimes Blonde! This award has ruuuulllyyy made it's way around the blog world and I believe it has very simple rules: Pass it on and name ten random facts about yourself.

1. I'm legally blind in my left eye.
2. My favorite movie is Sister Act 2. (Inspiring!)
3. My favorite N'Syncer was the gay one, Lance.
4. I love condiments, specifically sour cream.
5. At 28 years of age, I just got diagnosed with my first cavity two weeks ago.
6. I married my high school sweetheart.
7. I went to (and graduated from!) beauty school.
8. A guy once told me in college, probably while I was 'flirting,' "You're not as cute as you think you are."
9. I once applied to The Real World. I did not make it. Thank God for unanswered prayers!
10. I have a (small) birthmark on my left knee. Every year when summer rolls around and I air out my legs, Derek says to me, "Hey, you have some chocolate on your knee."

Now I pass this sacred award on to my TT, Tess over at Tessaboo. She is absolutely LOVELY and HILARIOUS, but I can almost guarantee she will not keep this going. Who can blame her? I don't! She's planning a wedding for early June and she hates life.

Night, night.


  1. Hey there! Was lucky enough to jump over to your blog and I love it. Lance was always my favorite too! haha. Sad to admit that, lol. Congrats on the award, and your 'about me' is still cracking me up. Don't we all feel that way :)

  2. Hi!! So nice to "meet" you! I've been to your blog more than a few times. Derek had told me that you guys won before I even saw it on your page, so congratulations on that! (Because you played an awesome game, right?!!) Do we need to have a neutral meeting sight next season for all of us to meet?!?!!
