Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's Good To Be Back

Boy oh boy, did I drop the ball this past week! I had parties, wedding showers, shopping, and dress altering to attend to, but I'm back, my little chicklets!

Now on to the important stuff: Good ideas! I barely even think these days, so coming up with a good idea is RARE! But a few months ago, it happened! A good idea popped into my head. I was desperately trying to figure out how to eliminate or at least reduce the amount of cellulite on my bod, while doing as little work as possible. This led me to google, and after a few hours of reading, VOILA, I had the answer. I'll make a homemade 'cellulite scrub!'

Supposedly this is a secret of the stars and it's to be done twice a day. Not only is the scrub itself suppose to work, the scrubbing increases circulation and ideally works out some of those lumps. (Don't say "ewww," you know what I'm talking about.) Okay, are you ready for it? Mix together coffee grinds, sugar, and olive oil. See, easy! The caffeine in the coffee is suppose to actually help the cellulite and everything else exfoliates and moisturizes.

Unfortunately, I let my creation dry out (and then we moved) before I saw actual results, but alas, it still turned out to be awesome. This was the most amazing body scrub I've ever used! My skin was SO soft and SO smooth. I've just made a new batch of this stuff and thought you all might want to try it!

And now only because the homemade stuff smells like coffee, I will most likely be ordering this in a few weeks-
COCONUT! I like to imagine heaven smells like this.

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